FCBA : Implementation of adhesive resins developed for wood applications
February 10 2023

The FCBA technological institute (Forêt, Cellulose, Bois-Construction, Ameublement) supports companies in the forestry-wood and furniture sectors in their development of products and projects. Environmental and health impacts are priority factors in FCBA activities, both for operators and users of wood-based materials. The BioImpulse project matches perfectly with this dynamic.
FCBA's expertise and know-how have been used to help the BioImpulse project to characterise the resins developed with the project partners during their implementation.
The different applications planned for the resins are managed on several sites and by different skills:
Bordeaux: Applications involving solid wood elements are held in regular test loops. Frequent exchanges between teams in charge of specifications and teams in charge of resin implementation are a key factor for progress. The characterisation of wood-related products is also carried out on site, thanks to a reference laboratory on the subject;
Champs sur Marne: Specific resin implementation tests are carried out to check the correct application of the resin during industrial gluing processes;
Grenoble: Applications using elements from wood, veneers, particles or fibres are studied. Frequent test campaigns are carried out in order to capitalise on the knowledge acquired after each session, and to guarantee improvements in performance.
The FCBA communication and support teams are also involved, with their active participation in dedicated groups involving each partner in the internal and external communication of the BioImpulse project, and in the administrative and financial follow-up.