Manon and Quentin catamaran sponsored by BioImpulse
by Karen Peruchon | May 37 2020

Two 26-year olds, a woman and a man defending the colours of France: Manon Audinet and Quentin Delapierre are experts in their field. Winner of the 2016 and 2018 sailing Tour de France, European J80 champion and World young Laser champion SB20 for the one; European Nacra 17 vice-champion, 2nd Worl Cup in Hyères in 2017 and member of the French team since 2013 for the other. On August 31st, they won together against the world’s best in the first stage of the Nacra 17 World Cup in Enoshima (Japan). Quentin and Manon use natural resources (wind) and technology (foils) to enhance their performance, in a total respect for the environment. They have set themselves an ambitious goal, a real challenge: qualification for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, then for the Paris Olympics in 2024.
The BioImpulse project team is made up of French leaders in several business sectors. It is made up of specialists, men and women, recognized in their field, all motivated by the exploitation of new technologies to develop French competitiveness.
It has set itself an ambitious objective, a real challenge: to co-create, in 6 years, in open innovation, a biosourced resin.
Although there is no possible technological link between Bioimpulse and the boat, as it cannot be modified (one-design category), there are too many points in common between these two teams for them not to want to write their history together. This is why the BioImpulse consortium has chosen to sponsor Manon and Quentin’s catamaran, until the joint victory of both researchers and athletes.
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